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For several decades, Government of UK’s Department for International Development has been actively working with the Government of India to help India achieve its own poverty reduction priorities and the Millennium Development Goals.

India is a growing global power and an important partner for the UK. As India’s economy grows, poverty reduces and India has ever greater prominence in world affairs, the UK’s development partnership with India is evolving.

In November 2012, the UK and India agreed to move to a new development relationship, ending the UK’s financial grant aid to India. The UK will responsibly complete by 2015 all our commitments to on-going projects. All new programmes will focus on sharing skills and expertise in priority areas such a growth, trade and investment, skills and health, or on making investments in private sector projects which create opportunities for the poor while generating a return. We will also strengthen our partnership with India on global development issues like food security and climate change.

Until 2015, DFID India will :

  • Focus on the poorest people in India’s low income states
  • Put women and girls at the heart of our work
  • Expand the private sectors’ potential to combat poverty and
  • Deepen our engagement with India on global issues where they are may be benefits for poor people elsewhere